Design Page Features | Duonut

By Sneha Pandit

10 Oct 2024

Quick overview about the features

Duonut’s powerful no-code form builder provides vast features not only for the indiviual form slides but also the cover-page, end-page and thank-you page.

Let’s dive into it!

Flow - Features

Flow of your form allows you to add a multi-step form as per your specifications. And after adding all the steps you can easily alter the steps if needed seamlessly with the help of our easy to use drag-n-drop feature.


Elements - Features

Duonut provides a vast range of elements such as buttons, image, logo, checkbox, radio options, text-area and many more, which are easily customizable under Properties, Styles and Animations.

Propeties - It helps you add url links, check out mandotary feilds, and many more.
Styles - It helps you customize your elements, text-color, background-colour, margin, padding, and many more.
Animations - It helps you add transitions within your forms, which makes it more enhancing.


Settings - Features

When you come to our Settings option, you will presented with these three options “General”, “Cover Page” and “Thank You Page” , which offers a lot of features like, adding a logo to your website or making your duonut public/private, etc.


Settings - General - Features

In General Settings, there’s a lot of features which will help you enhance your form settings, let’s go through it one by one -

  • Enter Activity Name - You can enter the name of the activity you are creating such as “Portfolio” or “MCQ”, so that later you can organise your Duonut’s in your workspace.
  • Enter Activity Description - You can give a small description for your donut, to keep things in track afterwards when you have a lot of workspace created.
  • Lock this Duonut - The Lock feature allows you to control access to your Duonut content by locking it for unpaid users and unlocking it for those who have paid. You can know more about this feature in your workspace and can map the users too.
  • Public/Private - People usually tend to keep their work private until it’s completed, hence you can also do the same. After completion you can make it public, till then you can keep it private and keep working on it, or you can keep it public always also, as per your needs.
  • Viewer Sliding - Horizontal slide feature while moving from one page to another, it also offers next and back button features.
  • Show Viewer Vertical - To change the transition to horizontal sliding you have to keep the “Viewer Sliding” on and with that you can turn this feature on to make the transition from one page to another as you scroll down through any webpage.
  • Add Background Music - Engage your audience with soothing background music! This feature allows you to add background music to your website, creating a pleasant auditory atmosphere while users browse. Music can start automatically upon page load , perfect for enhancing user experience on interactive pages, landing pages, or special occasions.
  • Keywords - Add your keywords for your easy donut search.
  • Cover Image - Wherever you share your templates/website the main page that will attract your customer and increase your engagement is your cover image.
  • Schedule a close date -Set a close date for your event or form submissions with ease! This feature allows users to select a future close date for registration, voting, or any other time-sensitive activity. Once the specified date is reached, submissions will be automatically disabled. A perfect solution for managing deadlines for contests, events, or special offers.
  • Close on submission limit - When you only need a limited number of responses such as 50/100, you can easily add this feature.

Settings - Cover Page - Features

You can add this cover page as per your need, if you want the name of your users, this page will ask them to enter their name, and then they can move ahead to fill out the form or participate in the contest. As you can see, you can aslo customize this page by adding background colour to it, and brand it with yout logo too.

One image shows the customizable options for your cover page and the other shows how your cover page will look, with yout titlw, description, logo, etc.

  • Show Cover Page- Adding this page to your website, let’s your customers give their name and you can also give a title and description as a gist to what they are going to come across ahead on your website.
  • Play Name - Let’s your customers give their name, they can also give as anonymous, which will be recorded and you can view the real-time data analysis and save it as a csv file too.

Settings - Thank You Page - Features

You can add this cover page as per your need, if you want the name of your users, this page will ask them to enter their name, and then they can move ahead to fill out the form or participate in the contest. As you can see, you can aslo customize this page by adding background colour to it, and brand it with yout logo too.

  • Show Leaderboard- Very useful for any contest, you can show the leaderboard with rank and score for individual contestants, along with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of the whole contest.
  • Show End Page - Give a message to your customers after they have completed the form/survey, i.e, you can easily customise and this page will be automatically added to your survey/form at the end.
  • Show Confetti - Add a small celebration with our confetti feature to your forms, for example - at the end of a contest, or someone becomes the winner, to congratulate them.
  • Play Audio - Enhance your user’s experience with sound! As soon as they come to the end page, adding an auditory layer to the interaction. Ideal for moments of celebration, success messages, or special alerts.
  • Redirect Url on Completion - After the form submission you can simply redirect your users to your homepage or after any contest you can redirect then to the correct answers page,etc.
  • Add CTA Button - You can add a button at the end page, which will help your users to directly view the product you want to show them as per your specifications.
  • Coupon Code - You can add a coupon code at the end page which your users can easily copy and use it for their future use.